Auto insurance is one of those things most people just take for granted. They purchase a policy, don’t give it much thought, and forget about it until they need it. BIG MISTAKE!
Here are a few things to consider when purchasing an auto insurance policy:
A friend of mine was recently telling me about an auto accident he was involved in and how it happened. He was driving down the road and someone a three cars ahead of him came to a dead stop on a green light. This resulted in a 4-car pileup. Fortunately nobody was injured, but there was damage to all the cars. All of them had to be towed because of the damage.
The cause of the accident… the driver was on their phone. This is why they stopped on a green light. And they were still on the phone as they were getting out of the car. And seemed to be a little annoyed that someone had hit them from behind even though they stopped on a green light. Have you ever experienced an accident or witnessed an accident caused by someone on their phone either texting or talking?
Distracted driving has become a huge problem across Middle Tennessee (and everywhere). Drivers think they can carry on a conversation, drink their coffee, read the newspaper, shave, do their makeup… AND DRIVE! What happened to getting in the car and just driving.
But that’s the world we live in now and not much we can do about it. And that’s why it’s more important than ever to have the proper auto insurance to avoid financial disaster if you are involved in an accident.
We want to make sure you understand exactly what you have when it comes to your auto insurance. It’s important to have the right amount of coverage for your specific situation and lifestyle. You may be paying for more auto insurance coverage than you actually need. Or you could be underinsured. The point is to make sure you understand your coverage.
So stop by our Farm Bureau Castle Heights office today for a free auto insurance review or you can call us at 615-453-9702 and we can do everything over the phone. We’ll even give you a free Farmer Charlie cap, so the worst that could happen is you have a better understanding of your auto insurance policy… and you get a free cap.